Gabriella Sborgi

Gabriella Sborgi has graduared from the conservatory J. Verdi in Milan, trained in Switzerland, in Lugano, and in the Opera "Bastile" in Paris. A winner of the competition of William Voltona the Actor and the Singer and European competition As. Li. Co. In 1997 was an Italian representative at world competition of singers in Cardiff. She collaborates with such conductors as Z.Meta, I.Bolton, D.Oren, D.Fazolis, M.Korbos, . Kallegari and With such directors as G.Shtreler, D.Abbado, M.Skarpo, L.Dodin and others. Her opera repertoir includes Dorabella in So all women act, Kerubino in Wedding of Figaro, Sesto and Anio in Mercy Tito , Dido in Dido and Enea , Nerona in Crowning of Pompea Monteverdi, Rozalia in Wounded dove Provezial, Bianka in Abduction of Lukrezia, La Chatte in the Child and magic Ravel, Berbig in the Eminence and falling of the city of Mahagoni K.Vail and B.Brecht. Her chamber repertoir includes ancient compositions ("Gloria" Vivaldi, Mozart's "Requiem", Stabat Mater Pergolezi), and oratorio La Nativita by Bartolucci which world's first night she sung in Florence. Gabriella Sborgi also sung first nights of works of such modern composers as E.Denisov, G.Ustvolskaja, Bartolucci, Franchezonni, Galante, Vakki. She sings in performances and concerts in the best opera houses and concert halls of Italy, Spain, France, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, Albania, Tunis, Japan. Her records include Songs of the Earth and the Sea A.Favara under the conducting of D.Fazolisa, Stabat Mater Haydn, "La Riconcenza Small solemn messa Rossini.
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